Methods listed in this guide are numbered by order of decreasing efficiency.I apologize in advance for any potential confusion that may arise due to this. Furthermore, please note the tag is used to indicate that an item requires ACs to obtain. For the sake of legibility, even if an item should rightfully have multiple tags, only 1 of the tags will be used according to the following hierarchy : >.
That's what Farming is and how it works! Taken from Drakyloid 's A Simple Guide to Farming Once you have done that Quest/Place/Battle so many times, you will have found yourself with a large amount of Experience, Gold, or others, depending on what you did to acquire those rewards that you have desired so much. Slowly, you build up a massive pile of Experience, Gold, or others.Ĥ. You will do that Quest/Place/Battle over, and over, and over again (this is the truly repetitive part of 'Farming').ģ. You think you found a Quest/Place/Battle that offers good Experience/Gold/etc.Ģ.